Screenshot DVB-T (simple)
Home » TS Tuning Info » Screenshot DVB-T (simple)
This Screenshot shows the tuning information from a DVB-S transport stream on Astra 19.2° E
The full text is:
Found PAT Found SDT Found NIT ------------------------------- Parsing stream information TSID: 2202 NID: 3022 ONID: 2114 Network Name: MEDIA BROADCAST Terrestrial delivery system descriptor centre_frequency: 538000000 Hz bandwidth: 8 Mhz priority: HP (high priority) Time_Slicing_indicator: 1 MPE-FEC_indicator: 1 constellation: 16-QAM hierarchy_information: non-hierarchical, native interleaver code_rate-HP_stream: 2/3 code_rate-LP_stream: 1/2 guard_interval: 1/4 transmission_mode: 8k mode other_frequency_flag: no other frequencies in use Done...